Pros and Cons of an Open House in San Diego |

There are many things you can do to sell your San Diego property. And it’s a combination of these many things that will inevitably sell your house. You will want to implore a strategy that really works and doesn’t waste any time. Is an Open House right for your San Diego home? Will it be worth the time and … Continued

Why Isn’t My House Selling in San Diego

Why do some homes sell right away? Why do some sit on the market for months at a time? And why isn’t your house selling? In our latest post, we will help you to consider some reasons why your house isn’t selling, and what you can do about it! Selling a home takes work. It … Continued

Negotiation Tips for Selling Your Home in San Diego

Are you thinking about selling your San Diego house? Before you list or sell it on your own, you should have your negotiation strategy in place. Always try to be one step ahead of your buyers. Use concrete facts to validate your asking price and consider anything about the house that could be used as ammunition to lower … Continued

How To Sell A Damaged House In San Diego

If you own a house that is in disarray or in need of repair, don’t fret. There are ways you can sell your house without having to pay for all the required repairs. If you need to sell a damaged house in the San Diego area, our latest post will help you save time and money … Continued

4 Tips for First Time Home Sellers in San Diego

Buying and selling a home are two very different processes. First time home sellers may not know all that goes into successfully selling their house. It takes some work to find a buyer while getting the price you want. Below, find our… 4 best tips for first time home SELLERS!  The Price is Right You want to get as … Continued

How To Sell Your House With Tenants In San Diego

Do you own an investment property in San Diego that you’d like to sell? When other people are living in your house, the selling process can become a bit more complicated. In our latest post, learn more about how to sell your house with tenants in San Diego! As a landlord, there may come a day … Continued